Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

Agencies of various kinds work to prevent diseases and illness. The role of those agencies is to investigate the diseases. They find out whether the disease is infectious or noninfectious that is spread within that nation or globally. Apart from that the role of the agency also lies in investigating the strategies which are currently implemented in that particular area. The perspectives which are being formed internationally, nationally, and regionally could be taken into consideration. All these inspections would be followed by analyzing the factors and influences that affect health and social care. Moreover, the provision of social care would also be investigated that lies upon the infected area.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care and Social Care Practice

Learning outcomes

  1. Understand different approaches and strategies used to measure, monitor, and control the incidence of disease in communities
  2. Be able to investigate the implications of illness and disease in communities for the provision of health and social care services
  3. Understand the factors influencing the health and wellbeing of individuals in a health or social care settings.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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LO1 Understand different approaches and strategies used to measure, monitor, and control the incidence of disease in communities

Various strategies and approaches could be understood that are being used to control and monitor the diseases in the community. Approaches are being taken by various agencies and organizations to prevent and reduce diseases. Such agencies could be identified by their specific working zone. The role of agencies played by local, national, and international agencies like the World Health Organization could help in better understanding of strategies. Approaches and strategies could also be identified by different kinds of diseases that are being spread in diverse geographic zones. Various kinds of diseases like infectious and noninfectious could be identified by graphs, tables, and rates of incidences. Strategies like surveillance, screening education, and legislation help in better understanding the content.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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LO2 Be able to investigate the implications of illness and disease in communities for the provision of health and social care services

Investigation of diseases could be in relation to health and social care services by taking various matters into context. The preventive, approach along with priorities in giving treatment and care could be taken into account for being capable to investigate. Along with that the choices made in pursuing lifestyles like relaxations, dieting, exercises and culture of work increase the rate of capability. Lastly, activities that conduct change in behavior like physical exercises, games, and education helps in increasing the capability more specifically.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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LO3 Understand the factors influencing the health and wellbeing of individuals in health or social care settings

There are various factors that influence in wellbeing and healthcare of individuals. Priorities could be determined by taking the factors of security and safety into account. More factors like hygiene, diet, intellectual and social needs could also be taken into account. Policies and strategies create a great impact in understanding the factors. Choices of provisions, quality, complaints, and involvements result in understanding the strategies and policies. Behavior encouragement could be figured out by exercises relating to education, games, and consultations.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning outcomes   On successful completion of this unit a learner will: Assessment criteria for passing The learner can:
LO1 Understand different approaches and strategies used to measure, monitor, and control the incidence of disease in communities explain the roles of different agencies in identifying levels of health and disease in communities explain, using statistical data, the epidemiology of one infectious and one non-infectious disease that is widespread in their own country evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches and strategies to control the incidence of disease in communities
LO2 Be able to investigate the implications of illness and disease in communities for the provision of health and social care services use relevant research to determine current priorities and approaches to the provision of services for people with disease or illness explain the relationship between the prevalence of disease and requirements of services to support individuals within the health and social care service provision analyzed the impact of current lifestyle choices on future needs for health and social care services
LO3 Understand the factors influencing the health and wellbeing of individuals in a health or social care settings. assess the health and wellbeing priorities for individuals in a particular health or social care setting evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, systems, and policies in a health or social care setting discuss changes that could be made to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals in a health or social care setting evaluate an activity that has been implemented to encourage behavior change for maximizing health for individuals in a health or social care setting.

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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This unit has links with, for example:

  • Unit 1: Communication in health and social care
  • Unit 6: Research project
  • Unit 18: Complementary Therapies
  • Unit 9: Empowering users in Health and Social Care
  • Unit 23: Employability Skills
  • Unit 28: Work-based Experience

Unit 11 Role of Public Health in health and social care

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